Thursday, July 24, 2008

1972 VW Super Beetle!!

As a surprise for Sean, I am going to buy him a car. Granted, the car is older than we are, but this is the kind he loves.

When I moved to New Orleans in 1999 to live with him, we were dirt poor. So, who isn't dirt poor when you first start out? We were eating the store brand of Top Ramen. And I don't even like Top Ramen. Anyways, I was making $5 an hour and offshore work was slow. Rent was due, bills were due and we had no money. So that I could stay there with him, Sean offered to sell his beloved 72 VW Bug. Sean loved this in, LOVED with a big heart around the word. Once, when we were dating, I was in Huntington Beach visiting him. While at a stop sign, Sean turned down the radio, told me to be quiet, and listened intently for a few seconds. He put the car in neutral, pulled the emergency brake, and jumped out of the car. He opened up the back of the car, fiddled around a few seconds, and came back in the car. He then proceeded to show me a leaf. Apparently, he heard the rattling from a LEAF in his engine and it was driving him crazy. That's love.

So, this loved car, the one that Sean and his dad spent hours building and rebuilding and fixing and restoring, is the very car that Sean sold for me. We both cried when the new owner drove it away.

Almost 10 years later, we are now in a position where we can afford to get him another car. I did tons of research online and found THE PERFECT CAR. I contacted the owner, asked lots of questions, and made a deal. This Saturday, we are driving 3 hours south to look at the car. When we make the final payment, we will then be the proud owners of a beautiful, blue 1972 Super Beetle. I know Sean is still in shock, but I don't think he realizes how much it meant to me that he sold the car...for me. I love you, Buddy. Thank you for everything.

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