Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Moving/ Baby Signs/ Sleeping through the Night!

We're moving to a new house this weekend. Actually, we begin our move tomorrow and will finish up this weekend. Moving makes me crazy. Packing, unpacking, organizing, sorting, throwing away. I don't do well with change. Like, at all. I love to be comfortable in my surroundings. I feel calm when things are predictable. So, this is big for me.

We lost our house in this huge mortgage/economy crisis we're all in. We weren't able to refinance our home loan, because our home appraised for barely $200,000. We owe $318,000 on it. Fantastic. So, we're moving. I'm sad to lose our house...our first house we owned. At the same time, I know change is good and prevents you from becoming stagnant. I'll keep everyone informed how it goes.

On to Baby Signs. Owen has started signing to us some basic words: More, All Done, Eat and No. Funny this is, Sean and I don't sign to him. He's picked it up at Daycare from another child. You can imagine the look on our faces last night when Owen was frantically trying to sign something to us, and Sean and I were just staring at this child, no idea what he was trying to say to us. So, this morning as soon as we got to work, Sean and I did a Google Search on baby signs, and we've been cramming all morning like it's finals week in college. I've got Bird and Banana down perfectly!

And, on a GREAT note, last night, Owen slept through the night for the FIRST TIME. Yep, I said first time. He is now 18.5 months old. He is still cosleeping with us, and I'm still nursing him, so I was shocked when I woke up at 3:30 this morning to discover he was still asleep next to me. I thought for sure he was dead. (Scary, but true.) This is the child who nurses every 2 hours, and here he is in dream land next to me. Yeah!!

Thanksgiving is coming up, and I want to really take time to be grateful and thankful this year for all that we have. Even though we are losing our home, we are moving into a wonderful, family-oriented neighborhood with a good elementary school. We have each other and our health. We have a great, loving, supportive family. And we have a great, smart, wise-beyond-his-years son. Life is great. We are truly blessed.

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